White Nights in the north of Paris
Published on 9 September 2015 in Events
The 14th edition of the White Nights of Paris will be held on the night of the 3rd to the 4th of October this year. The north of Paris is honored this year by two routes revealing the intimacy of Monceau Park and the Halle Pajol before arriving at Saint-Ouen and Aubervilliers. An event combining art and heritage that is highly recommended by your hotel, Les Theatres!
Unique places revealed by night
As well as the basic idea of staying up all night, the principle of the White Nights since its beginning in 2002, has been to make art accessible to the public in a range of often overlooked spaces. Art works are installed in these unique places, and often they are accompanied by lectures, performances or interactive features. Fans of Adele Blanc-Sec can explore the nooks and crannies of Monceau park with glee. Others might try to unravel the mysteries to be discovered amid the amazing biodiversity of flora in adjoining Martin Luther King park. Some will visit art installations in the new eco-district of Clichy-Batignolles, La Recyclerie or the Centquatre.
Under the lights of the environment
The World Climate Conference, happening this year, is fitting the theme for 2015: environmental. It is illustrated perfectly by the words of the event’s artistic director Jose-Manuel Gonçalves, who asks us to look closely into these unique spaces and commit to "a different way to enjoy the city and to live together". The old station at Ornano which has been transformed into a lively meeting place, the wasteland of SNCF warehouses in Pajol street where you can now find an eco-district like Clichy-Batignole and the station of the Petite Ceinture station at rue Belliard which is transformed with shows and workshops are fine examples. A night ride that certainly shines on initiatives in the zeitgeist, but also engages with our world in a search for solidarity and citizen participation ...
What a sobering thought for the future ... sleepless nights?
Picture credits: Guy PATRY